You’ve probably heard the term “workers’ compensation” numerous times in your life. But what exactly does it mean? As workers’ compensation lawyers in Anaheim, we wanted to break it down as simply as possible, so everyone can understand what it is. Basic Purposes Most states require workers’ compensation programs that essentially require employees to purchase…
Read MoreThe short answer to this questions is, “Yes, it does.” But it’s really more complicated than that. The requirements for qualifying for a Social Security Disability mental health claim are stringent, and your chances of having your application approved can be greatly improved with the assistance of the law offices of Norman J. Homen. We…
Read MoreNo one wants to get hurt while on the job. However, if one does there are protections in place to make sure the injured person receives the fair compensation they deserve. If you have been injured at work and need a workers’ compensation lawyer in Orange contact the Law Offices of Norman J. Homen right…
Read MoreEstate planning is an often neglected part of financial planning. Most people are more concerned with organizing and planning their current finances than preparing for their future, and inevitable mortality. In fact, according to a study conducted by, only 4 in 10 American adults have a will or living trust. Hiring an estate planning…
Read MoreA principios de este año, la Administración de la Seguridad Social publicó en el “Federal Register” las normas definitivas que revisaban la forma de evaluar las pruebas médicas en las solicitudes de incapacidad relacionadas con la obesidad. Estas evaluaciones se producen 18 años después de que la SSA eliminara la obesidad de su lista de…
Read MoreEarly this year the Social Security Administration published the final rules in the “Federal Register” which revised the rules of how medical evidence is evaluated in obesity-related disability claims. These evaluations come 18 years after the SSA removed obesity from its Listing of Impairments in 1999. Today the SSA will consider obesity under the impairment…
Read MoreIf you have a medical condition that prevents you from working you may be entitled to Social Security disability insurance. Individuals who have a disability and meet certain medical criteria may qualify for Social Security disability insurance. Applying and getting approved for disability is a complicated process that requires a great deal of evidence, attention…
Read More82 years ago this month, the Social Security Act was signed by President Roosevelt to help people meet their basic needs during vulnerable times in their lives when they cannot provide for themselves. But social security disability benefits aren’t only for those who are injured or disabled, family members are eligible as well. The family…
Read MoreAfter a loved one has passed away, the grief alone for a family is overwhelming. Adding legal and property issues on top of that grief can be very stressful for many families—which is why it is important to connect with an estate planning lawyer in Anaheim to create a legitimate will. Without a proper estate…
Read MoreWith all the paperwork involved in planning your estate, it’s easy to make mistakes. It’s even easier to put estate planning off. But if you’re willing to spend the time, it’s not too difficult to nail down the basics. We’ll cover the most important estate planning documents you’ll need to ensure your wishes are carried…
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