Work-Related Accidents Beyond the Workplace
When thinking about a work-related accident, most people imagine an incident occurring while performing their job, perhaps even engaging in a risky task. But that’s not the extent of it. If an individual experiences physical, emotional, and financial distress due to an activity outside their workplace, it can still be considered work-related, granting them the right to initiate a workers’ compensation claim.
In this blog post, we’ll detail this scenario and provide insights regarding your rights and options.
Understanding liabilty outside of the Workplace
Accidents can happen anywhere, whether on the company premises, during business travel, or even while performing work-related tasks offsite.
These latter scenarios are often overlooked by individuals who may need to realize they are still eligible to file a claim when they sustain an injury.
Compensation Rights
Your eligibility depends on several factors, such as the nature of the accident, your job responsibilities, and applicable laws and regulations. Consider the following key considerations:
Did the accident occur while performing a task directly related to your job? Examples include business trips, meetings, and events, among others. It doesn’t matter if the accident happened offsite or outside of business hours as long as it’s an activity related to your duties. For example, attending a conference.
Your employer has a duty of care to ensure the safety of all their employees, regardless of where the work-related activity occurs.
So, what should you do if you suffer a work-related injury outside the workplace?
First, seek medical treatment for your injuries, severe ones. After that, you must report the accident to your employer and provide all the details you can.
Then, consult a workers’ compensation lawyer to guide you through the process and advocate for fair compensation.